Original Replica

Aida Nogués

Original Replica is a graphic design and screen printing studio based in Thessaloniki, Greece. Since 2010. they create original work but also screen print or design in commission. They provide expert design in a variety of categories, from print to screen, and from logo design to packaging. They also organize workshops and open studio days to the public.

Original Replica

When did you start and how do you launched Original Replica? Why did you chosen silkscreening?
I discovered screen printing while I was doing my MA in graphic design at the London College of Communication. There was a great screen printing department that Ι could experiment with all sorts of materials. The first thing that I ever printed on was the glass on top of my table, for a project I was working at the time! After finishing my course I came back to Greece, started working with a graphic design studio which was a great experience but soon I realized that I wanted to move on to a more tactile approach. I wanted to spend less time on a computer screen and be able to experiment with new techniques and self-initiated projects. So, I decided that it was the right time to start my own graphic design and printing studio.

Original Replica

Original Replica

Could you explain us more about your latest collaborations?
I always enjoy interacting with other people and working with other creators. A recent collaboration, was with Palefroi. We organized a two-day screen-printing workshop and a parallel exhibition here in Thessaloniki. The way they approach the whole process was an inspiration for me and I think it influenced all of us both curators and students, that participated at the workshop.

How does your working space influence in your projects?
The workspace is vital for my creativity, that's why Ι enjoy having a good sound system, and listening to great music. Also I love sharing the space with friends from time to time or even organizing parties in it.

Original Replica

Which is the project you are more proud of?
I get enthusiastic with every project we undertake, so it's difficult to choose one. I guess it's always the next one.

Have you had problems to make some of the projects? How do you solve them?
Since Ι started, there were a number of issues that I had to solve through trials and errors, as there were not so many people in Thessaloniki from whom I could get help or ask for advice. I remember a case that I had to do a commissioned print, that required high printing skills with a lot of details. As I was at the beginning of my studio and I hadn't gained much experience yet, it took a lot of effort, time, wasted materials and I faced a lot of problems! But at the end, I got to be a better printer. So, problems are welcome and Ι believe that is one of the best ways to develop as a printer, artist and person in general

On the other hand, this is the basic motivation in order to organize workshops. Knowledge should be shared, and problems are welcome but it is not necessary to come across them!

Original Replica

Do you make self publications?
Yes, we already have created several screen printed posters and art books, but there are more to come soon.

Tell us about your influences (in handmade printing or other ranges like music, arts, etc.)
Everything from the Big Five ( Victor Moscoso, Rick Griffin… the Psychedelic poster scene from San Francisco) to new studios like Sonnenzimmer, Palefroi and Re: Surgo. Inspiration comes from everything and we always try to get motivated but other artforms like music, music, music and music…..

Original Replica

Original Replica

Original Replica